The last meeting of the Perfin Club in De Bilt went well thanks to the excellent cooperation of the 25 members present. Upon arrival, everyone’s corona admission ticket was checked by the secretary. Face masks were worn and taken off as soon as one was sitting at the own table in the hall. The board had ensured that the auction lots were spread out on a number of tables, so that member could keep the necessary distance from each other.
The auction went well. It was striking that a lot of written offers had been received. This indicated that not everyone had dared to travel to De Bilt to attend the meeting.
Auctioneer Nico van der Lee has now sent the lots and invoices. PCN members may download the auction no. 138 proceeds list in the private section of this website under Extra / Downloads-leden.
The next meeting of the Perfinclub will take place on Saturday 5 March – provided that corona does not throw a spanner in the works.